Additional Information you need to know when purchasing a puppy

*We do NOT and will NOT sell to kennels*
Please fill out a Puppy Application if you are interested in a puppy.


Starting at 6 weeks old you may come to our home to visit puppies. No more than three people (for winter litters), and no pets are allowed.

Deposit Holder VS Wait-lister

Being a deposit holder and being on a waitlist are two different things.

We do not accept deposits until puppies are born. Deposits will hold your spot, with your pick of male/female and color choice, until puppies are 6 weeks old. Deposit Holders will have the option to pick their puppy in the order deposits are received. Puppy applications must be approved before a deposit will be taken.

Being on a waitlist does not guarantee you a puppy. Emails will be sent to everyone on the waitlist that puppies have arrived. You may choose to place a deposit at that time, or stay on the waitlist. At 6 weeks old the deposit holders can select their new baby, I will then inform everyone on the waitlist of which babies are still looking for their forever homes. At that time, the waitlist can place a deposit and pick their puppy.
A puppy application must be filled out in order to be placed on a waitlist!

When on a waitlist, we do NOT go in order of the list. We message all of the wait-list people at the same time with pictures and information of each puppy, we give everyone an hour or so to read our messages and at that point it is first come from serve. You will also tell us at the time of placing a deposit which puppy you want. 
We require a NONREFUNDABLE but transferable (to the next available litter, after that, it is a forfeit) deposit to hold the puppy of your choosing. We accept cash, personal checks (for deposit only, check must clear before puppy leaves the premises), Venmo or money orders for deposits or payment in full, balance must be paid in cash if you wait until pick up day. Puppies will not leave premises without being paid in full. We also see that you read our contract/health guarantee prior to placing a deposit. You must place a deposit to hold your puppy! We do not hold without deposits.

Again, deposits are NONREFUNDABLE. We are not a savings account for individuals, any money paid towards puppies are then put back into the care of said puppies. Deposits are nonrefundable whether you sent it 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 year ago, so please keep that in mind prior to placing any money down. Be 100% sure you are committed to this puppy or upcoming litter.
​Please keep in mind, you technically do NOT have to sign our contract, it states “by purchasing/sending payment towards your puppy, you agree to ALL terms of the contract.”


We take pictures as newborns, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age. If time permitted. We strive to be very active with our puppies and always want buyers to be updated on their new baby!

Puppy Socialization:

The puppies are all played with daily from the day they are born until the day they leave us.

We raise puppies using the Puppy Culture Protocol. Starting with Early Neurological Stimulation at day 4, this is due to puppies tails being docked at day 2.

Puppies are professionally groomed at 6 weeks old. At this time we are capable of seeing which puppies will be Blue and which will be Silver, this is also why we wait until 6 weeks for people to pick their puppy.


We raise our dogs, and puppies, as naturally and holistically as possible. Puppies are wormed with natural dewormer (if necessary). We encourage the use of nosodes instead of traditional vaccines. Puppies are sold in good health with a two year health guarantee (free of any fatal genetic health issues). 


Puppies cannot leave us until 9 weeks of age at a minimum, no exceptions!

Puppies can be picked up between 9 and 12 weeks old, with no additional fees. Puppies must be paid in full, non-refundable, if you choose your puppy and do not want to pick them up at 9 weeks old.

If not picked up by 14 weeks, the puppy is to be resold and buyer is NOT entitled to any money back. Please let us know 5-7 days in advance what day/time you can pick your puppy up or what day you would be open to have him/her delivered to you. If he/she is being delivered, the remaining balance MUST be paid as late as 7 weeks old. If you’re picking your puppy up, payment may be made in cash while meeting with us. We do not accept checks for final payment.

Puppies are delivered at no charge within 300 miles of our home. Puppies can be delivered further for additional fees.  Your puppy will come home with a bed or blanket (that has been kept with mom and littermates), puppy food, toys, registration paperwork, collar and leash.

Limited vs Full Registration:

All of our dogs are AKC registered, but there are two types of registration. If you buy your puppy on limited registration, that means your new puppy is solely just a pet and you have NO breeding or show rights to your dog. We currently do NOT offer full registration. If you are looking for Full Registration you may contact us with your information as to why you would like full registration.

Hip/Elbow Dysplasia:

We do not guarantee against hip or elbow dysplasia due to the fact that 80% of it is caused by environmental factors (excessive jumping, going up/down stairs, being overweight, etc). We cannot guarantee how buyers will raise their puppies or the diet they’re on. We ask that buyers keep their dogs fit with a good diet to lessen the chance of hip dysplasia, but of course cannot enforce that. Hip dysplasia cannot yet be genetically tested for as there is too many components to the disorder. Two parents with excellent hip scores can still produce offspring that can later develop dysplasia, that is why it is extremely important to maintain a healthy weight and refrain from repetitive movements or strenuous activities while your puppy is in its growing stages. We also recommend and enforce in our guarantee that spay/neutering should not be done until your puppy is at a minimum 12 months of age.

Are Poodles hypoallergenic?

Yes, poodles are hypoallergenic in the sense of them being LESS LIKELY to cause an allergic reaction. This however does not guarantee there will not be an allergic response to the dog. The keys words being “less likely” as poodles can still carry dander. Most people with allergies are totally fine with poodles, but not all are!

Recommended Food:

We recommend keeping your puppy/dog on a high quality food with first ingredients being meat based (beef, lamb, We recommend keeping your puppy/dog on a high quality food with first ingredients being meat based (beef, lamb, salmon etc) We encourage raw feeding (if possible), however a good quality kibble works well for most dogs.

Size Ranges:

We mainly focus on average size standards (40-55 pounds, 23-26”). We give our best prediction as to what size your puppy will be as an adult based on sizes of parents and grandparents, but there is no way to guarantee the size your puppy will be.  On an average scale, here is what you can expect for sizes from us:
Standards: 45-70 pounds, 23-28″ tall (depending on who the parents are of course)


If for any reason at anytime buyer cannot keep their puppy/dog we will take the puppy/dog back and find them a suitable home. We do understand that life events happen. We do not want any of our puppies to end up in shelters or with rescue groups. Although your puppy/dog is your pet, we still feel its our responsibility as their breeder to ensure they are always well cared for and never end up in a bad situation. More info is in our guarantee.

Health Guarantee:

When bringing a new baby into your home, please keep in mind we are breeders, not God. We as breeders do what we can to reduce the risk of genetic diseases prone to our breed. Just as in humans, we cannot dissolve every medical issue known or unknown to man. This is why we offer a health guarantee. If an issue were ever to arise, please keep this in mind and the matter will be dealt with in a civil manner. All of our babies have been in great health thus far, but if a baby is to have a genetic issue, we are more than willing to work with you and help as much as possible.

*Under no circumstances will we send a puppy home without payment in full. Please do not ask us to send a puppy/ puppies and pay later. We give ample time for a puppy to be paid in full before going home.*

Bringing your new baby home:

I think this section is very important and not up for discussion enough in the canine community. When bringing your new puppy home it is imperative to not stress your puppy out! Taking your puppy to meet new family and friends, driving your puppy all over the place, taking them immediately to pet stores or puppy classes , rodeos, doggy parks etc. is not recommended. They haven’t had the time to learn their environment (remember they know their breeder and their mothers only) so it causes them to stress which then lowers their immune system setting them up to catch any virus/illness they may have been exposed too. We cannot stress this enough. Take your puppy home only! Create a comfortable space they can be in to start the adjustment process. 

Stud Service:

Please contact us if interested in stud service.